What is cutaquig®?

Cutaquig® is a 16.5% immunoglobulin solution for subcutaneous (SCIg) infusion.

Mother and Daughter dressed as a superhero with a cape.

Cutaquig® is indicated for replacement therapy in adults, children and adolescents (0–18 years) in:1

Primary immunodeficiency (PID) syndromes with impaired antibody production

Secondary immunodeficiencies (SID) in patients who suffer from severe or recurrent infections, ineffective antimicrobial treatment and either proven specific antibody failure (PSAF)* or serum IgG level of <4g/l

*PSAF = failure to mount at least a 2-fold rise in IgG antibody titre to pneumococcal polysaccharide and polypeptide antigen vaccines

The safety & efficacy of cutaquig® was evaluated in Phase 3 trials2-6

SCGAM-01 ²,³ Design Prospective, open-label, single-arm phase 3 study Patients 61 patients (23 paediatric, 38 adult) with primary immunodeficiencies Prior treatment Any intravenous
immunoglobulin treatment Infusions 64 weekly cutaquig infusions* Endpoint Efficacy in preventing SBIs (antibiotic use, infections), tolerability & safety (adverse events, infusion site reactions), assessment of PK profile, number and rate of other infections and HRQoL during the 52-week evaluation period
SCGAM-01 ²,³ Design Prospective, open-label, single-arm phase 3 study Patients 61 patients (23 paediatric, 38 adult) with primary immunodeficiencies Prior treatment Any intravenous
immunoglobulin treatment Infusions 64 weekly cutaquig infusions* Endpoint Efficacy in preventing SBIs (antibiotic use, infections), tolerability & safety (adverse events, infusion site reactions), assessment of PK profile, number and rate of other infections and HRQoL during the 52-week evaluation period
SCGAM-03 Design Prospective, open-label, non-controlled, multicentre phase 3 follow-up study to SCGAM-01 Patients 27 patients (≥2 years and ≤75 years) with primary immunodeficiencies (21 from the SCGAM-01 trial and 6 de novo patients) Prior treatment SCIg (SCGAM-01 patients or de novo subjects) Infusions Weekly or every other week doses over a period of up to 4.5 years for subjects previously enrolled in Study SCGAM-01 and 12 months for de novo subjects in Canada Endpoint Medium-to-long term safety and tolerability, occurrence of SBIs, annual rate of all infections of any kind or seriousness, hospitalisations due to infections, and antibiotic use
SCGAM-03 Design Prospective, open-label, non-controlled, multicentre phase 3 follow-up study to SCGAM-01 Patients 27 patients (≥2 years and ≤75 years) with primary immunodeficiencies (21 from the SCGAM-01 trial and 6 de novo patients) Prior treatment SCIg (SCGAM-01 patients or de novo subjects) Infusions Weekly or every other week doses over a period of up to 4.5 years for subjects previously enrolled in Study SCGAM-01 and 12 months for de novo subjects in Canada Endpoint Medium-to-long term safety and tolerability, occurrence of SBIs, annual rate of all infections of any kind or seriousness, hospitalisations due to infections, and antibiotic use
SCGAM-04 Design Prospective, open-label, single-arm phase 3 study Patients 25 adults with primary immunodefciencies Prior treatment Any intravenous immunoglobulin treatment Infusions 32 weekly cutaquig® infusions† Endpoint Efficacy in preventing SBIs (antibiotic use, infections), tolerability & safety (adverse events, infusion site reactions), assessment of PK profile, number and rate of other infections and HRQoL during the 24-week evaluation period
SCGAM-04 Design Prospective, open-label, single-arm phase 3 study Patients 25 adults with primary immunodefciencies Prior treatment Any intravenous immunoglobulin treatment Infusions 32 weekly cutaquig® infusions† Endpoint Efficacy in preventing SBIs (antibiotic use, infections), tolerability & safety (adverse events, infusion site reactions), assessment of PK profile, number and rate of other infections and HRQoL during the 24-week evaluation period
SCGAM-06 Design Prospective, open-label, non-controlled, three arm, multicentre phase 3 study Patients 64 patients (≥2 years and ≤75 years) with primary immunodeficiencies Prior treatment Stable on any subcutaneous immunoglobulin treatment for a minimum of 3 months before screening Infusions 3 cohorts: Increased volume at each infusion site - patients received cutaquig® weekly and increased infusion volumes every 4 weeks (up to 100 mL/site) Increased infusion rate - patients received cutaquig® weekly and increased infusion rates every 4 weeks (up to 100 mL/h/site) Every other week dosing - patients received cutaquig® every other week at the equivalent of twice their body-weight dependent [mg/kg] weekly dose Endpoint IgG trough levels, AEs, temporally associated TEAEs during treatment period, temporally associated TEAEs during stabilisation period, TEAEs by speed of infusion, number of local infusion-site reactions and HRQOL during the 24-week evaluation period HRQOL, health-related quality of life; TEAE, treatment-emergent adverse event.
*12 infusions during the wash-in/wash-out period and 52 infusions during the evaluation period.
†8 infusions during the wash-in/wash-out period and 24 infusions during the evaluation period.
SCGAM-06 Design Prospective, open-label, non-controlled, three arm, multicentre phase 3 study Patients 64 patients (≥2 years and ≤75 years) with primary immunodeficiencies Prior treatment Stable on any subcutaneous immunoglobulin treatment for a minimum of 3 months before screening Infusions 3 cohorts: Increased volume at each infusion site - patients received cutaquig® weekly and increased infusion volumes every 4 weeks (up to 100 mL/site) Increased infusion rate - patients received cutaquig® weekly and increased infusion rates every 4 weeks (up to 100 mL/h/site) Every other week dosing - patients received cutaquig® every other week at the equivalent of twice their body-weight dependent [mg/kg] weekly dose Endpoint IgG trough levels, AEs, temporally associated TEAEs during treatment period, temporally associated TEAEs during stabilisation period, TEAEs by speed of infusion, number of local infusion-site reactions and HRQOL during the 24-week evaluation period HRQOL, health-related quality of life; TEAE, treatment-emergent adverse event.
*12 infusions during the wash-in/wash-out period and 52 infusions during the evaluation period.
†8 infusions during the wash-in/wash-out period and 24 infusions during the evaluation period.


  1. Cutaquig® European Summary of Product Characteristics. November 2023.

  2. Kobayashi, R.H., et al., Clinical efficacy, safety and tolerability of a new subcutaneous immunoglobulin 16.5% (octanorm [cutaquig®]) in the treatment of patients with primary immunodeficiencies. Front Immunol, 2019. 10:40.

  3. Kobayashi RH, et al. Treatment of children with primary immunodeficiencies with a subcutaneous immunoglobulin 16.5% (cutaquig® [octanorm]). Immunotherapy. 2021;13(10):813–24.

  4. Kobayashi RH, et al. Long-term efficacy, safety, and tolerability of a subcutaneous immunoglobulin 16.5% (cutaquig®) in the treatment of patients with primary immunodeficiencies. Clin Exp Immunol. 2022;210(2):91-103.

  5. Latysheva E, et al. Efficacy and safety of octanorm (cutaquig®) in adults with primary immunodeficiencies with predominant antibody deficiency: a prospective, open-label study. Immunotherapy. 2020;12(5):299–309.

  6. Gupta S, et al. Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin 16.5 (Cutaquig®) in Primary Immunodeficiency Disease: Safety, Tolerability, Efficacy, and Patient Experience with Enhanced Infusion Regimens. J Clin Immunol. 2023; 43(6):1414-1425.

This is an international website for cutaquig® and is intended for healthcare professionals outside the US. The information on this site is not country-specific and may contain information that is outside the approved indications in the country in which you are located.

IMPORTANT: The information on this website is based on the European Summary of Product Characteristics (EU SmPC).

If you wish to contact Octapharma please use the contact form on our corporate website www.octapharma.com